Print Making

Karl Whitaker (aka KRRRL) is a regular participant with the Tuesday Night Drawing group in Santa Fe — and with multiple drawing groups in Albuquerque, El Paso, Las Cruces, and beyond. He’s also an evangelist for traditional (and otherwise) print making. You could say he’s the Johnny Appleseed of print making. Instead of wearing a tin pan on his head he travels with a “Bucket of Prints,” ready to create a pop-up exhibit anywhere, at anytime. He encourages artists in drawing groups to create art that can be printed during the breaks between poses, or after the drawing session, or later in a studio. He even hands out 6 x 6 inch squares of linoleum (or PVC, or some other material) to artists who want to try it.

Many artists have a new appreciation for the beauty of art prints and for the print making process due to Karl’s dedication to promoting print artists and print making.

Visit Karl’s blog for more print making details and photos. Scroll halfway down the page to find photos of the print below being printed.

Return of Spring

Karl gave me a 6x6 inch square of a PVC plate to create a print. I mistakenly thought he said I could gouge the image into the surface with a ballpoint pen, but that technique was meant for a softer, styrofoam material. Karl and artist Henry Morales printed it anyway to experiment. They used a couple of colors of “dirty” ink instead of ink “straight out of the tube.” I was surprised how well it turned out. Kudos to KRRRL and Morales.


Just in Time


A Favorite