Nude Puzzle
I’ve been exchanging Art Letters with a friend, Daniel Worth, who recently moved from Australia to New Zealand. An Art Letter can be anything you want it to be — a sketch, drawings on the letter itself, an artsy envelope, etc. Since my drawings are almost always 18 x 24 inches, I have a choice of rolling up the drawing to put in a tube, or folding the drawing to fit in an envelope, which is what I’ve done in the past.
This time I decided to cut the drawing up into a puzzle — small enough to fit in a standard packet envelope — and see if he can figure out how to put it together. I started with a pretty easy puzzle, as you can see. It’s a test. If he has trouble with this one I’ll know he’s been hiking in the Outback too long and I should make the next one easier.
Nude Puzzle • 18 x 24 • charcoal on paper